Our Theological Statement of Belief
The heart of the BrIdge Pastoral FoundatIon is our Christian belief in the loving, creative mystery of God, shown to us in the person of Jesus, whose nature we are called to share by the inner working of the Holy Spirit, who draws us into deep relationship and community. This sharing means that we welcome open-heartedly, in the love of God, all Christians and those of other beliefs or none.
Our unique mIssIon calls us to face in ourselves, and enable others to face in themselves, the patterns of fear and self-rejection which are so painful to accept that they can remain mostly hidden and unrecognized, blocking our journey to reality and fullness of life. This involves, at one level, a pastoral role in which we share Christ's acceptance of ourselves and others as we are and, at another level, a therapeutic role based upon fuller understanding of the effects of pain in our lives. In so doing, we see ourselves as co-workers with the Spirit in releasing and transforming the lives of others as well as our own.